
更新时间:2018-08-08 来源:小升初英语 点击:


学习英语语法很重要,下面学习方法网小编为大家精心整理了小升初英语语法考点梳理反义疑问句的相关内容,供大家学习。      1.一般用法:      He is a student, isn't he?      He isn't a student, is he?      (1) “have to, had better, used to”要用下列方式反问:      He has to finish the work, doesn't he?      They used to smoke, didn't / usedn't they?      You'd better get up immediately, hadn't you?      (2) “has, have”作为助动词和实意动词,反问形式不同。      We have done all the work, haven't we?      You have some time, don't you?      金牌要点如下      2. “seldom, barely, hardly, scarcely, few, little” 语意本身是否定,因此反意问句应为肯定形式。      She seldom comes to visit us, does she?      He hardly knew it, did he?      3.当主句为祈使句,反意问句提出要求,命令应用 "will you"      Do it at once, will you?      但如表示邀请,劝告,反意问句用 “won't you”      Have a cup of tea, won't you?      4.否定祈使句应用 "will you" 来反问。      Don't open the window, will you?      5. “Let's” 短语      ● 当其为肯定形式,"shall we" 提出反问      Let's play basketball, shall we?      ● 当其为否定形式,“all right, ok” 提出反问      Let's not go to the party, all right?      ● 如为 “let us ……” 其反问形式应为 "will you" 提出请求      Let us go home, will you?      6.当 “think, suppose, consider, believe” etc 被用作为主句谓语动词,其后带有宾语从句时,反意疑问问句应与从句保持一致。      Idon't think that he is an honest man, is he?      考试真题      1. E-mail is very popular today. People seldom write letters now, ______?(09广东)      A. did they B. do they C. didn’t they D. don’t they      答案:B      2. —Are you going to the picnic with us tonight? –Yes.      —You won’t be late, __?(09东营)      A. should you B. will you C. don’t you D. can you      答案:B      3. ---Millions of people know about Susan Boyle now,_________?      ---______, she becomes well-known because of her success on Britain’s Got Talent.(09福州)      A. do they; No B. do they; Yes C. don’t they; No D. don’t they; Yes      答案:D      4. There is no important information in the newspaper, _______?(09齐齐哈尔、绥化)      A. isn’t there B. is it C. is there      答案:C      5. Bob, you watched the fashion show last night, ________ ?(09孝感)      A. weren’t you B. didn’t you C. haven’t you D. won’t you      答案:B      6. —She doesn’t like geography,does she?      — .(09娄底)      A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she doesn’t C. No, she does      答案:A      希望这篇文章对大家有用,更多内容请关注学习方法网。

