一个句子搞定小学英语语法:数 词

更新时间:2018-02-09 来源:小学英语 点击:


今天,小编为大家整理了小学英语语法,一起来看看!更多内容尽请关注学习方法网!      一个句子搞定小学英语语法:数 词      数 词      <例句>      There were millions of blooms.      有数以百万计的花。      <语法分析>      基数词在句子中作主语,此外还可作定语、表语、同位语以及宾语或介词宾语等。序数词在句中可作定语、表语、主语、宾语或介词宾语等,序数词还可用在某些短语中。分数词由基数词和序数词构成,基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母,除了分子为1的情况外,序数词都要用复数形式。分数词可以作主语、定语、状语、宾语或介词宾语等。      <触类旁通>      (1) The river is about eighty miles long.      这条河约有八十英里长。      语法分析:基数词在句子中作定语。      (2) I read five of his novels.      我看了五本他写的小说。      语法分析:基数词作宾语。      (3) Its population is nearly three million.      它的人口数量接近三百万。      语法分析:基数词作表语。      (4) She's getting married a third time.      她将第三次结婚。      语法分析:序数词和a连用,表示“再一个”、“又一个”等。      (5) I thought that performance third-rate.      我认为那场演出是三流的。      语法分析:序数词可用在许多短语中。      (6) Mother divided the cake into thirds.      妈妈把蛋糕分成三份。      语法分析:分数词作宾语或介词宾语。      <巩固练习>      (1) There are _____[million] of books in that library.      (2) Tens of ______[thousand] of mossbacks used to roam the prairie.      (3) They arrived in twos and _____[three].      (4) A _____[two] swan flew down. Then a third and a fourth.      (5) I bought a _____ hand car.      (6) She died in her _____[fifty].      <参考答案>      (1) millions  (2) thousands  (3) threes  (4) second  (5) second  (6) fifties      今天就和大家就分享到这,祝愿同学们用辛勤的汗水去收获美好的未来吧!


一个句子搞定小学英语语法:量 词



