
更新时间:2018-05-12 来源:小学英语 点击:


cry的意思就是哭泣?不,没那么简单!今天,学习方法网小编就赶快跟大家聊聊和cry有关的新知识,一起来看看吧!      小学趣味英语学习:cry不止是哭      cry for the moon      想要得不到的东西      Joe wants to get Lisa. It's like crying for the moon.      乔想追到丽莎,简直是做梦呢。      cry wolf      狼来了      Nothing's happenning here. You're just crying wolf.      啥事又没有,你就是在那咋呼。      It's no use crying over spilt milk.      覆水难收      She's gone now and it's no use crying over spilt milk.      她已经离开你了,你哭也没用      for crying out loud      搞什么名堂/我的天啊      Will you stop babbling, for crying out loud?      你能别胡说了吗,我的天啊!      far cry      天壤之别; 长距离      Their lives are a far cry from his own poor childhood.      他们的生活与他那贫苦的童年生活相比大相径庭。      full cry      猛烈抨击,大声疾呼      At the meeting, the parents were in full cry, demanding further government spending on schools.      会上家长们大声疾呼,要求政府增拨教育经费。      cry it from the housetop      闹得满城风雨      Even if you have found the secret, there is no need to cry it from the housetop.      即使你知道了这个秘密,也没有必要闹得满城风雨。      今天小编和大家就分享到这,希望这篇文章对大家有用,更多内容请关注学习方法网。
